18 Holes and Counting!

Our Love Affair with Golf!

Scramble Golf

All 3 RVs lined up!

We are currently in Burns, Oregon at Crystal Crane Hot Springs while traveling with our friends who full-time RV as well. With 7 full days to sightsee and enjoy the hot springs – we figured we could squeeze in a round of golf.

Big Dee in the window!
Crater Lake
Lida, Rik, Tina, Jeff, Marc, Kathy (& Cooper)
Ready for our hike!
Lava Caves National Park
A day of bicycle riding
At the bottom of a Crater

The other couples aren’t big golfers, but have been really good supporters of our Golf Bucket List to golf in all 50 states. So much so, that Jeff and Rik recently joined us in a round at Valley Golf Club in Hines, Oregon!

Notice no clubs for Jeff & Rik, they had to use Marc’s!

Having our friends join us in a round of golf has been a highlight to our summer for sure.

Kathy & Mary

When we arrived at the course, we were greeted by Kathy and Mary. They were helpful and full of smiles and laughter. As we approached the first hole, we decided to play a “Scramble Format”.

Scramble format consists of all players teeing off on each hole and then deciding which tee shot they like the best and mark the spot with a tee or ball marker. Then the other team members pick up their balls and place them within one club length (no closer to the hole) of the marked spot.

Ready to start the round of Scramble Golf

Marc checking the wind direction before the others teed off.
Rik teeing off after the wind-direction check
Jeff is next to tee off after the wind-direction check

We took my shot on this hole!

I just want to say we had an absolute blast playing a 4 person Scramble. Not in a tournament or anything competitive. Just 4 “hacker golfers” trying to go as low as possible.

(Note – our final score was a 69!)

A bit of 18 Holes & Counting Swag!

We all had a great time and everyone contributed in some way. It was relaxed enough that it was fun but still thrilling when one of us was the last shot and we really needed something in play.

And if I was really honest – there is nothing that beats draining a 30 ft putt to get birdie, or sticking it on the green with your approach shot – just ask Jeff.

Jeff’s shot was the best one on this fairway!

For us, the greatest golfing partners are those who are fun to be around – people who just enjoy the game. And on this day that’s what it was – Just 4 full-time RVers having a blast playing together.

Rik, Mark, Kathy, Jeff!

Fairways and Greens – We are 18 Holes and Counting!

Written By Kathy Festa

2 Replies to “Scramble Golf”

  • So much fun playing with you guys. You’ve inspired me to work more on my game so I’ll be ready next time we RV together!

    • Rik – we really enjoyed playing a couple of rounds with you, and we look forward to many more. Fairways and Greens….XoXo….Kath

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