18 Holes and Counting!

Our Love Affair with Golf!

“Walk A Mile In My Shoes”

Tools of the game

Most sports require some type of equipment to participate in the activity or game. And golf is no different. There are the obvious golf clubs and golf balls needed to play the game. But the game of golf certainly requires more than just a club and a ball.

Necessary golf equipment

Like golf shoes for instance.

I mean, it’s so obvious my golf shoes help me look sharp on the course. That’s right, let’s not forget that in addition to golf shoes being equipment, they are also apparel, an important part of my overall look. So even though I may not be a great player, my golf shoes certainly help me look the part!

After all, looking good in the club house is my main focus!

Just kidding.

On a more serious note – I know that golf shoes are not a requirement to play the game, but when I wear a good pair, they most certainly help improve my game. I feel like when I wear the proper footwear, the sturdiness in my swing, as well as my foot comfort all benefit.

But why? What is it about the right pair of golf shoes that has me believing they are a major key to me playing a better game?

First – there are so many to choose from. And each brand seems to identify what type of golfer you are.

For instance:

  • Foot Joy (FJ) – This golfer is usually a single-digit handicapper or lower. This person is a ball striking god, and has at least two Titleist clubs in the bag.
  • Nike – This golfer hits bombs, also 3-putts 6+ times per round.
  • Jordan – This golfer is a 20+ handicapper, but at least looks good.
  • Ecco – This golfer walks every round. Usually uses a putter that is 20+ years old.
  • Adidas – This is a scratch player or 30 handicapper – no in between.
  • Skechers This golfer is cheap and plays recreationally – this is me!!
My golf shoe brand of choice – Skechers!

Second – after researching a bit more about golf shoes, I learned that golf shoe soles are designed specifically with the golf swing in mind. They’re structured to limit lateral movement and come with features to keep the medial foot region supported and steady as I swing, an area that’s usually more flexible in an athletic shoe.

But wait – there’s more….

Golf shoes are also designed to cradle the foot differently than a running shoe with less toe drop, meaning the heel in a golf shoe doesn’t rest as high as it does in an athletic shoe to help me better sense the ground beneath my feet.

Lastly, golf shoes tend to have larger and wider footprints than do running shoes, so they help me balance better with added traction while standing and swinging from side to side.

OK – before all my running friends start getting upset – this isn’t to say running/athletic shoes don’t have something to offer golfers. Much of the same technology found in running shoes is borrowed and used in many of today’s top golf shoes.

Now, back to why I believe having the right golf shoes help my game. From getting the sizing right to choosing the right upper and outsole, there is much more to choosing a golf shoe than meets the eye. Indeed, I have found there are several benefits to getting the right golf shoe than I first thought. Sizing, style, and grip probably being the more important factors in marrying the right golf shoe to my foot. 

My feet are my only points of contact with the ground during my game, so having the right build and materials to suit my feet and the conditions I play in is vital to building confidence and comfort underfoot.

While tracking my steps during a round of golf, I have learned I take upwards of 13,000 steps. I guess besides appearance, its the comfort and fit of my golf shoe that is essential for me to enjoy the “walk” of my game!

There is just nothing like a good walk on a golf course in a comfortable pair of golf shoes – and truth be told, I play golf much better when I take it one step at a time.

It’s the same in my personal life. If my shoes don’t fit – it’s pretty much a guarantee I am going to have a bad day.

Before I retired, I recall on more than a couple of occasions where my shoes weren’t the right ones for the challenges of the work day. On one day in particular, I remember choosing, what I thought was a perfect decision to wear, an absolute fabulous looking pair of wedge sandals to work. Only to find out there was going to be a very large shipment of equipment being delivered to the office and it would be my job to unload it all! Not so easy in those wedge sandals – that’s for sure.

Stationary bicycle shoes

Then there was the time I wanted to ride my niece’s stationary bike, but didn’t have any cycle shoes to wear. So my niece loaned me hers. While this was very generous of her, the problem was her shoes were just a little too small for me – which resulted in a very “painful” hour of riding!

My feet are the foundation of my everyday life.  And I believe every good foundation must have the right support.  Being from Minnesota, where most of the time it is too cold to go barefooted, I just am not a fan of walking about in my bare feet.

So most of my life has been spent in shoes, and will continue to be.

My shoe basket
Marc’s shoe basket

I know that wearing comfortable shoes can make me feel better and more confident. And after doing a bit of GTSing (Googling That Sh$%) I read shoes also impact my physical health, mental health, and the environment. I guess it’s true – a pair of well-fitting everyday shoes is an investment in my happiness.

And the added bonus? Having the correct shoes impacts the way in which my entire body is able to function without unnecessary injury or pain.

Good shoes symbolize the virtues of preparation, diligence, and resilience — qualities essential for navigating the twists and turns of life’s unpredictable terrain….and for me wearing metaphorical “good shoes” means making choices that align with my values, ambitions, and long-term goals.

My Reads from the Reds: Good shoes will take me to good places.

Fairways and Greens – We are 18 Holes and Counting!

Written By Kathy Festa

2 Replies to ““Walk A Mile In My Shoes””

  • I don’t know. Wearing flip flops require me to be STEADY over the ball. I do have a tendency to sway and flip flops do seem to help me FOCUS. Aloha

    • Deb – of course they do! But remember, your sway still keeps you in the very low scoring category! Fairways and Greens Big Sis – Kath

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